Water Filter Wrench

for Culligan FM-15A and FM-25 On-Faucet Water Filters

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Motivation to Design:

The Culligan on-tap water filters are incredibly convenient, but the filters always get stuck after use. I had one filter get so stuck that I bent one its prong trying to unscrew it with pliers. So I made a solution that the company hasn’t offered yet. Please enjoy.

Design Goals:

  1. Distributed connection to the accessible faces of the water filter.

  2. Long enough lever arm to easily rotate the filter.

  3. Manufacturable with a wide variety of processes.

Relevant Interfaces:

  1. The inner surfaces of the wrench provide a tight fit to water filter’s available faces. The top chamfer also makes application of wrench much easier.

  2. The handle is long enough to grip while remaining producible on even small 3d printers.